It’s our first-ever virtual talk! Join us for a discussion with Peter S. Giakoumis, author of the book The Forgotten Heroes of the Balkan Wars: Greek-Americans and Philhellenes 1912-1913. Using primary sources, Giakoumis has put together a compelling narrative describing the formation of Schenectady’s successful ethnic Greek community.
Schenectady’s Greeks left for the front-lines of the Balkan conflict in 1912. The events leading up to their departure, and their decision to return to America ultimately had a significant impact on the city. The return of those veterans determined the fate of Schenectady’s Greek-American community, the culture they forged, and their impact on the city which endures to this day.
About Peter S. Giakoumis: A historical consultant and researcher of Greek military history, Giakoumis’ main focus is the Greek-Americans of the early twentieth century. Giakoumis served as a reserve Captain, Army Division, New York Guard for six years, and he is the Vice President of Byzantine Crown Productions, a history-based production company that promotes the accurate portrayal of Hellenic culture. He holds a master’s degree in international relations, and has authored various online works including: Greek-American Pioneers & Philhellenes of the Balkan Wars of 1912-13 (2016), and The Balkan Wars of 1912-1913 and the Pioneer Greek Americans (2017).
This program is free and open to the public, though donations are greatly appreciated. You may join us on October 1st at 7pm by visiting meet.google.com/ceu-xzdv-pbk
Recorded Saturday, March 20, 2021
The Hellenic-American Cultural Center & Museum pleased to have welcomed author Peter S. Giakoumis to a virtual conversation about his book ‘The Forgotten Heroes of the Balkan Wars: Greek-Americans and Philhellenes 1912-1913’ (Available at Annie Bloom’s Books, Powell’s Books, Amazon Kindle) on March 20th, 2021.
The Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, the precursors to WWI, have been all but forgotten. The Greek-American and Philhellene contributions are overlooked, and yet their efforts and participation are part of the greatest untold stories, until now. Historian Peter S. Giakoumis, presents for the first time the unique perspective of the Greek-American and their supporters. Using contemporary newspaper reports, letters from the front, official narratives, and private archives, their story is now resurrected and gives those heroes and heroines their rightful place in history.
PETER S. GIAKOUMIS is a military historian and researcher with extensive studies on many different periods of Greek history, his main focus is on the Greek Americans of the early twentieth century. Mr. Giakoumis is a former Captain, Army Division, New York Guard, he is the Vice President of Byzantine Crown Productions a history based Production Company that promotes the accurate portrayal of Hellenic culture in their projects. He is an active member in the Order of AHEPA. He holds a Master’s degree in Political Science.